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The Importance of Cleaning Your Clothes Consistently

March 20, 2023

Do you ever take the importance of doing your laundry for granted? It can be easy to do, especially when figuring out how to get your clothes to the local laundromat. You might find yourself scooping a dirty shirt off the floor and giving it the quick sniff test before running out the door instead of washing your clothes. However, washing your clothes is incredibly important and should be done frequently.

Being Human Dirties Clothes

Sweat is one of the most obvious sources of body odor and indicators of poor hygiene. The human body constantly produces byproducts that stick to your clothes and sheets. According to Reader's Digest, you create 10 grams of salt, 40 grams of grease and sebum, and 10 grams of skin flakes weekly. Almost all of that winds up in your clothes. Reader's Digest also states that an eight-pound load of laundry is estimated to contain an average of 50 grams of grime.

Health and Hygiene Are Important

The amount of grime listed in the above paragraph does damage to your clothes. Clothes being worn too long without being washed will have colors dulled. Additionally, the elasticity of your shirts and pants will be wrecked. That goes double for socks and underwear. This same grime can cause and aggravate skin conditions. If an outfit no longer feels as comfortable as it used to, then there's a good chance the grime is in the early stages of aggravating your skin. In rare cases, this dirt can even lead to infections. Unwashed clothes can also become itchy, as well as smelly.

Pests Can Do Some Damage

Even if you aren't wearing them, leaving dirty clothes around can cause problems. Pests love dark and dirty places to hide. Bed bugs are known for planting their eggs wherever they find sweat and darkness. A trip to the local laundromat might feel stressful, but it's nothing compared to an infestation. Cleaning your clothes regularly keeps pests away.

While it can seem tough to schedule laundry into your routine, it's an essential step to take on a regular basis. Unfortunately, your body's natural oils aren't as effective as laundry soap in keeping your clothes looking and smelling fresh. If you want to visit a reliable local laundromat, then visit Roseville Laundry today!

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